How to Maintain Your Car Between Detailing Sessions

Between dust clouds, kids’ sticky fingers and the odd muddy puddle, keeping your car shiny between detailing sessions can feel like an impossible task! Let’s check out the tips and tricks of the trade to help the shine stay a little longer.

How Often Should I Get My Car Detailed?

Of course, if you are subjecting your vehicle to more wear and tear than the average road user, you must schedule your car for detailing more frequently. However, for the average car driver, you should book your car for detailing 2-3 times a year.

Where to Get My Car Detailed?

For maximum convenience and professionalism, choose Australia’s Detailing Group. We cover twenty locations across Australia and bring all the necessary tools right to wherever you need us. Enjoy mobile car detailing services at work, home or just about anywhere you can think of!

If Australia’s Detailing Group does not yet cover your location, then try a quick Google search for “car detailing near me” or “car detailing Brisbane”, for example!

How to Keep The Inside of Your Car Clean?

Arguably, the inside of your car is the hardest part to keep tidy in between detailing sessions. Those takeout wrappers, empty water bottles and random bits and pieces soon start to build up! Let’s take a look at how you can keep your interior clean in between detailing sessions:

  • Take out the trash: As soon as you have eaten a snack, unwrapped an air freshener or opened anything in your car, throw out the packaging! Sticky residues from glue or tape on packaging often melt in the hot sun, causing damage to your car’s interior that seems to remain infinitely tacky!
  • Invest in seat covers: If you’re the outdoorsy type of person or just have kids/pets, then invest in some high-quality seat covers. Preserving the finish of your interior upholstery is a great way to hang onto the value of your vehicle if you intend to sell it and prevent wear and tear from muddy paws!
  • Organise everything: Easier said than done, but keeping small items in containers makes giving your car a little once over every few weeks so much easier. A quick vacuum makes all the difference and is no longer a chore you dread when you can clear out your back seat in seconds!
  • Air fresheners: Often overlooked, a simple magic tree can help keep things smelling fresher for a little longer in between detailing appointments!
  • Cockpit wipes: Invest in some simple interior wipes to help wipe up any spills or gathering dust in between detailing sessions. Keeping surfaces cleaner will help prolong the fresh feeling of a newly detailed car!

How to Keep Your Car Exterior Shining Between Sessions

If cleaning your car is your worst nightmare, just know you’re not alone! That’s why using a reputable car detailer like Australia’s Detailing Group is so crucial to maintaining your car’s appearance and finish. Let’s check out some simple ways to prolong that just detailed feeling:

  • Clean up bird poop: If you’re plagued by seagulls, you will be familiar with the feeling of birds pooping on your just-cleaned car. Well, wash it off right away to prevent the mess from damaging the paintwork of your vehicle!
  • Keep wiper fluid topped up: Nothing is worse than a filthy windscreen, so make sure you keep your windscreen wiper fluid topped up, especially before longer journeys!
  • Invest in a car cover: If your vehicle is parked outside most of the day, then why not invest in a car cover? This extra layer will help keep your car shiny in between detailing sessions, and some even help keep the heat out in summer and ice out in winter!
  • Park undercover where possible: Keep your car cleaner for longer by parking out of the harsh elements. While not always possible, parking under a car port or in a garage is a great way to keep your car cleaner for longer.


Let the professionals handle keeping your car in top condition by hiring Australia’s Detailing Group! Our mobile car detailing service is a great choice for keeping your car fresh and clean and protecting paintwork all across Australia. Contact us today for an appointment or visit our online booking system. Book now to get your preferred time before slots fill up!


celsius. (2021, July 2). How Often Should You Detail Your Car? JTech.

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